Mr Dale Holt
12-04-1950 | Terre Haute, In
Kennedy Space Center: VPF, O&C, CRF, SSPF
Cape Canaveral Air Force Station: HIF, Delta 4 Pad
Payloads Technician
Payloads Quality Inspector
Began my career with McDonald Douglas in 1980 at the O & C building preparing to start processing Space Lab. Went from there to the Vertical Processing Vacility working all vertical payloads for the Shuttle. Worked 3 years on the Spoc program doing Secret payloads for Shuttle. Transferred to Quality Inspection for payloads for 10 years then returned back to Technician for the remainder of my career. Worked with the canister transporter crew transporting payloads to and from the launch pads and OPFs before and after flight. Worked 1 1/2 years at the HIF processing the first Delta 4 Heavy rocket for launch. Finally my last years I worked in the SSPF processing and build up of the Space Station for launch.